
Thursday, May 31, 2012

Architect or Wrecking Ball-The Value of Encouragement

With words we build up and with words we tear down.
You can see this all over media today. Take Tim Tebow for instance, he had a tremendous college career, was a great guy, awesome christian, had a decent year for the Broncos and everyone built him up and then it all changed. He had a bad game...(yes he has some flaws, who doesn't?) then it is all teardown. If you watch closely we as a society tend to this over and over. You can readily see it with celebrities...we build them up only to tear them down.

As followers of Christ, we need to remember Proverbs 18:21-"Words kill, words give life; they're either poison or fruit—you choose." 
We choose what words we use and through those we choose to be an architect or a wrecking-ball. 
As the knight in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade said, "Choose Wisely!" Hey, that's copyright infringement--God said that in Deuteronomy. 
Point is, don't be discouraging, negative, thoughtless, and full of poison. That puts you in the wrong camp (Satan comes to steal, kill and destroy).
Instead, choose in every circumstance, to honor God and bring life with every word. Encourage, inspire, affirm and make people feel valued. 
This applies to adults, teens, kids, friends, enemies, co-workers, relatives and exiles.

Every person needs to feel that they have value. Show them they are valuable to you and to God with every word you speak.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

When is it enough?

That is my question. When is it enough?

Those of you raising children understand that it is a constant learning experience.
Contrary to what we want to think or try to convince ourselves of at times
...we just don't have all of the answers to begin with.
Not that we can't get the answers. We certainly can-but that is why it is an ongoing learning experience.
We have to seek God first about what, where, when and how to help our children grow and develop.  This brings me to where I am now.

The struggle between guiding a child toward excellence and pushing them toward self-destruction. The bible says that we as parents are not to provoke our children to wrath. As a matter of fact, in most versions, it specifically addresses the instruction to the dads.
I am going to include 2 verses in 2 different translations so that hopefully one of them will speak to each person reading.

Colossians 3:21
Fathers, do not provoke or irritate or fret your children [do not be hard on them or harass them], lest they become discouraged and sullen and morose and feel inferior and frustrated. [Do not break their spirit.]  
(Amplified Bible)

Fathers, do not be so hard on your children that they will give up trying to do what is right. (New Life Version)

Ephesians 6:4
Fathers, do not irritate and provoke your children to anger [do not exasperate them to resentment], but rear them [tenderly] in the training and discipline and the counsel and admonition of the Lord.  
(Amplified Bible)

Fathers, don't exasperate your children by coming down hard on them. Take them by the hand and lead them in the way of the Master.  
(The Message Bible)

So, this is the crossroads of parenting. This is the point where we as dads either choose to invest in our kids lives by pouring our own lives into theirs...
...we choose to impose rules and sanctions and hope that things turn out for the best.

This goes back to relationship. It is imperative that we as dads take the time to grow our relationships with our kids. When we do I believe we have a greater way to speak into their lives than by being their commander in chief barking orders or being their parole officer running down every little mistake.

Yes, we must present a standard of excellence for each child. Yes, we must encourage a desire within them to be self-motivated.Yes, we must guide them and help them learn to make wise choices.Yes we must teach them responsibility, honor, integrity, the value of the truth and the value of their word and hard work.

That is the pursuit of those things...when is it enough? 
---When does the standard become an unattainable utopian dream? So outlandish that by very definition it is bound for failure.
---When does the teaching become demanding? or the guidance become intimidating? No longer a positive motivator but a debilitating negative influence.
---When does the push become a shove?

Those are questions that can only be answered by each person. You have to examine where you are with your kids and decide, when is it enough?
I am asking the question because I have seen too many dads that are either too overbearing or too nonchalant. The result of both is the same in most who lean toward resentment and rebellion.

I am advocating that we measure ourselves by the Word of God and daily release faith in those words that we make the right choices in how we grow our kids. When to push and when to back off. When to instruct and when to correct.

If we will hold ourselves to the standard then we will be able to present to our kids a proper, healthy and high standard for them individually. We will also be able to correctly direct and encourage them into how to make proper choices and how to be creative and fun-loving kids living a full bore life.

Dads, let's step up and be the parents we were meant to be. Let the past be the past.
Together let's move forward alongside our kids assisting them as they grow.

Until next time--keep it in the Zone,


Thursday, February 16, 2012

2 Simple Points for Successful Living

The world around us is going crazy. Wars all over. Earthquakes, tornadoes, and other natural disasters seemingly on the rise. Economic system in the toilet. Children abandoned.
This is off to a really uplifting start, right?
It gets better.

The point is that there are needs every where we look. When taken as a whole it is overwhelming. We have a desire on the inside to help and we have a revulsion to people suffering. Those two forces feed our need to meet needs.

We have thoughts of helping all of the starving kids in Africa or China. We see shoeless children in Mexico and Guatemala. We see the homeless right down the street and we want to help.

The combined desire to help all of these people is something that we cannot do alone.

Here's the Big Takeaway...
1. Find out what is in your heart to do for many.
    -Maybe that is helping at a school, food shelter, collecting shoes or coats, feeding people or anything else that would help. Dig out the desire of your heart.

2. Do that thing for ONE!
    - Feed One
    - Clothe One
    - Help One
    - Bless One

In doing this, you are making a difference.
We can't change everyone but we can change one.
Find something to do and help one today.



Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Just a little poll for those who attend church.

This is to find out what things affect why a person chooses a church. This one is skewed in a way that you are telling me the things that most affect you in a negative way. We will spin it around later and figure out what most positively speaks to you. Thanks for your input--spread it around as the more input we get the better the results.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Wow am I behind!

I just realized I haven't posted since September. That is not great. I just wanted to get the new year blog flow happening and hopefully this will be a better year for blog consistency...even if it's once a week or twice a month or whatever frequency.

I will say this year is off to a bang. We are fasting and praying at church and today is actually the downside of the hill of the 8 day hump. It has been great so far. Cool things happening at home and in my kids. Good things happening at church.

Let me encourage you to set aside some extra time here at the front end of 2012 to seek God and focus on what His plan for the year is. I am convinced that following His direction will lead us to be much more successful, healthier and prosperous. This will lead to enjoying life more because we are less stressed and burdened knowing that He is working for us.

We can't Make Time...

So, Take the Time---Set aside time--steal moments when and where you can to prioritize and put God first in all you do. When we seek Him the bible teaches that we will find Him It also promises that all the things we want and desire will be added if we first seek Him.
I guess you could say...with God we can have our cake and eat it too!

Keep the first thing first,


Thursday, September 22, 2011

Kel's Birthday

Today is my middle son's birthday. First off, Happy Birthday Kel.
He is so funny that I thought I would relate a brief overview of him.
Be warned this is slightly self-indulgent because it is all about my Kel.
Guaranteed a good read either way.

First a little background so you get him. He is a very picky eater but other than that he is a very low maintenance kid. He does very well in school, doesn't complain much, and prefers to chill rather than be high-strung and rambunctious. He loves to laugh and has a truly great laugh.

He has an easy way of being funny. It is very natural not forced.
His comedic timing is uncanny and he never tries to take it too far (this taking it too far is the opposite of me which is why my comedy career failed).

He is a fighter. He has faced several health challenges in his life and has fought down everyone of them. Nothing as serious as some face but serious nonetheless. Thank God for His faithfulness to take care of my Kel.

He is very time conscious. He wanted a watch for his birthday--not a GI Joe or Phineas and Ferb watch but one like Dad wears. Not digital but with hands and numbers. We gave that to him this morning before school. Tell me what 10 year old child wants to wear a watch everyday? He is the only one I've ever met.

He just seems to be one of those wise old soul types you hear people describe. He seems to have a plan for everything in life. He has wanted to be the owner of a bread factory ever since I can remember. While most kids want to be a fireman, policeman, sports star and change their mind every week...Kel has always wanted to be a bread maker. Not just any bread maker but a factory owner which tells me he has big plans for success. Keep your eye out in a few years for Kel's Krusty bread--it'll take the market by storm and I suggest getting in on the ground floor.

So, when we were talking about birthday festivities he was pretty non-commital about what he wanted, what he wanted to do, and who he wanted to do it with.
We finally figured out the things that he wanted as gifts--that was the easy part.
He never mentioned a party or cake or anything like that so we finally cornered him and he didn't really want to do a big party. He really wanted a spend the night deal with a friend of his. This young man recently had brain surgery and is not fully recovered enough to party yet.
Kel decided that basically he didn't want to do any of the parties we talked about but would just wait for his friend to get well and then have a spend the night party with him and his brothers. Pretty cool.

Anyway, I was teasing him last night as he kept asking did we have him any presents. I of course told him no. After a late night Walmart run, I told him that I picked him up one small present and that it was something you get from near the register at Walmart. Then I blurted out (accidentally of course) a giant pack of Skittles. With a brief pause he said, "Well, I DO like Skittles!" That was typical Kel and I thought it was hysterical. Instead of complaining and whining...he just decided that it was something he liked so be grateful.

I learned a lesson from my child on the verge of his tenth grateful. For the small things, the large things and everything in between.

Kel, I am grateful for you. You are my little man. I love your laugh. I love your sense of humor. I love that you cut your own path in life and don't just follow the crowd. I love that you stick to what you believe no matter what others think. I love that you love to read. I love that you love God and your family and your friends. I love your hugs and the way you don't kiss on the lips. I love that when I do sneak a kiss on the lips you spit and sputter and squirm like you had a lizard on your face. Hysterical. I love your quiet confidence.
I love you because of all the things that make!
I know that God has great plans for your life and that you will follow them through to be a great success.  I know that you will impact people for the good of the kingdom. I know that you will always be a shining light to those in need because of your kindness and compassion.

Happy Birthday Kel. I love you with all my heart.

PS: Uh-huh, I love you more.


Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Total Chaotic Mess

**Warning: Objects in this post may fly by at rapid speed. Do not be alarmed they are only suggestions and will not harm you in any way. Just in case, please fasten your safety belts and don your protective goggles.

 Life is sometimes seems like it is exactly what the title says--TOTAL CHAOTIC MESS!!!! I have talked with many friends recently who seem to have this feeling. It is sometimes out of our hands the amount of things that seem to converge at the same moment of time to confound us. 

Other times, it is a series of choices we make that get us to this point. Whether it is taking on more things than can we do well and thoroughly... -The amount of amazing things we can do with our time is truly endless. We have to choose wisely so that we are able to give our best to everything that we choose.

Sometimes it is our inability to say a simple 2 letter word..."NO!" I think this is a personality thing. It is in the way that we personally perceive the word NO. If it annoys us then we think it must annoy others. If it makes us feel unloved then this must make others feel the same. If it makes us feel empowered then it must make others feel the same.
   The problem is that the word in itself doesn't carry any of those things with it. It simply means--I am not going to be able to do that right now. This is not a negative thing. It is not a personal attack to the person you said it to. It does not mean that you do not love someone or that you are not interested in them, their life, or helping them. It simply means not right now.

 Here is the really good news...God is not overwhelmed. If we will do what he tells us to do...REST! This is a little bit of a foreign concept in our ever going, don't stop 'til you get enough society.
 He said, "Come to me all of you who are heavily burdened, weary, tired, overwhelmed, and feeling like total chaotic messes AND I will give you REST!"

Bottom Line: We need to learn to sometimes say no but most of us will keep saying yes to things we have a hard time saying no to. We will make choices to be involved in things that maybe we shouldn't or that we can't give our all to.  
The Big But: But God is offering us rest. We should take time to rest. We should follow where rest is. Not laziness but rest.

 I have always been taught that in all decisions of life follow peace. Where there is peace there is everything you need to accomplish the task at hand.

 So the next time you feel like a Total Chaotic Mess take a timeout and rest in God.
Throw your chaos on Him and let peace guide you in the right direction.

 Until next time--keep it in the Zone,

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Sick there anything worse? there anything worse for a parent than a child who is sick?
It is excruciating to watch a child suffer with any ailment at all.
We as parents would do anything we could to take that pain, runny nose, sore throat, broken arm, itchy eyes, sick tummy and vomiting away from our kids. This is just for relatively minor things.
How can your heart not go out to a child who is facing a serious illness or fighting symptoms of some ruthless disease. How hard must it be for a parent to sit and watch the tests and poking and prodding that children sometimes must go through?
Is there anything we wouldn't do to change places with them and carry that sickness for them?
Is there anything we wouldn't do to take away their pain? Anything we wouldn't do to ease their sadness?

The brilliant thing here is that our Father God has already helped us with this. He sent Jesus.
Jesus already did these things for us. He already carried our sickness. He already bore our pain. He already removed our sadness and brought us peace.

Isaiah 53:4-5- "But he took our suffering on him and felt our pain for us. We saw his suffering and (ignorantly) thought God was punishing him. But he was wounded for the wrong we did; he was crushed for the evil we did.
The punishment, which made us well, was given to him, and we are healed because of his wounds."

We are empowered by the grace of God to experience victory in every area of life. Let's step up and stand with any child or parent under our care--after all we are shepherds to these youngest of sheep--for the total and complete health and healing Jesus has provided us. Let's join with parents in winning the fight over the enemy. Remember, sorrow comes for a night but joy is restored in the morning.

As a KidMin I am committed to help every child that comes under my care as if they are my own. That is my vow. That is my mandate.

Keep it In the Zone,

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Life and God lessons Learned from Candy

I thought I would post this very private message that I delivered to my graduating 6th graders. They are entering 7th grade this year and that means they are entering the youth group. They are extremely special to me as most of them have been with me since I began CM. The ones that are newer have fit right in and feel like they have been here all along. Congrats to Meredith, Alyssa, Cailey, Whitney, Tye, Jonathan, and Eli. You are all very special to me and I believe you will do everything God wants you to do and have a great impact for the kingdom.

These are life lessons--(mixed with some silliness--it wouldn't be me without it) that can be learned from candy. Enjoy!

“For I know the plans that I have for you, says God. Plans to prosper you not plans of disaster. My plans will bring you to an expected end of which I am fully aware.” PJT (PAstor Jamie Translation)
“I will bless you with a future filled with hope--a future of success, not of suffering.” CEV
Jeremiah 29:11

Stay with the Zone philosophy…Love God and Love People. This puts you in the center or the bulls-eye of God’s will for your life. YEs, I've had this for years...I think Israel Houghton stole it from me as a CD title. LOL!

I want to share with you a few life lessons that we can learn from candy. These are some items that hopefully will remind you of the good things God has done for you already and the promises of the good things to come. It should also serve as a reminder of the things you should do along the way and what your responsibility is in the plan of God.

Be bold as lions, wise as snakes, and gentle as doves. Let these candies remind you your time in the Zone and the great things that God has planned for your life.

Big Red Gum-Reminds us of the the target on your back as the newbies. (I’m half kidding—you won’t have a target here at church but people will be watching you and seeing where you fit in. Make good choices.) Also, remember it is extremely important to always keep fresh breath. Nobody wants dragon breath in their face.
You have a big target on your back as a child of God. There are tests and temptations in life that will present themselves to you more and more as you get older. It may be through friends it may be through random people you meet or it may be from total strangers. Follow God and Follow peace. Listen to what God tells you on the inside and find the peace in the situation. If there is no peace don’t go there.

Ice Breakers-Be careful what you get involved with. Sometimes icebreaker games are fun and entertaining—most of the time they are. Some of them are messy and disgusting too. Watch out in life that you do not get involved where you don’t belong and with people you don't belong with. Stay clear of the messy situations that will lead you away from God. Always choose the things that lead you to God, godly friends and godly situations. As I have always said and prayed for each of you…Be in the right place, at the right time, doing the right thing…ALWAYS! You can do it.

Whatchamacallit—They will not know your name right away so if you hear someone say hey whatchamacallit, or Hey you with the hair…just look and see if they’re talking to you. In life don't just be a whatchamacallit—stand out for the right reasons. Stand out for being set apart by God which you are. Own it! And, don’t let God become whatchamacallit to you. Always remember the name of Jesus and the great power it provides your life. Let one of your life goals be to spread the fame of His name.

Skittles-Colorful-A rainbow of colors-BE YOU! Be who God made you to be. Don’t try to be someone else. God made each of us different and uniquely gifted to accomplish what He wants us to do. Be willing to do what God tells you to do. Use your personality to do great things in life and great things for God. Live large for God!

Airheads- Don’t forget to use your brain—the old joke says that when God made us and was handing out brains some people misunderstood and thought He said trains and decided to get in another line because they they didn’t want one.
Trust God in life for everything but remember God didn't create us to be mindless robots who don’t think. Do what the bible says and renew your mind with the word of God so that you will think God thoughts. The more you think in line with God the more you should talk like it and act like it.

Twizzlers-The road of life may twist and turn but stay with God, stay with the Word and always follow the voice of God on the inside. If you do, it will be alright. God has great plans for you to bring you to an expected end free of calamity and destruction. God knows the end and the path He laid out for you. Stay on the road through all the twists and turns and all will be well. He is with you every step of the way. So be confident that all of life’s twists and turns will work out for your good if you continue to stay in the Zone.

Jolly Ranchers-Laugh a lot it’ll make you healthy and happy—with God things are good. We are not meant to live a boring, sad, and serious life. We are to lead a life full of the good things of God. The bible tells us that laughter does good like a medicine. Make sure to take large daily doses of this medicine. It doesn’t taste bad and only makes you feel better. Laugh Loud! Laugh hard! Laugh Long! Laugh often!

Starburst-You are all stars. Remember to let your light shine so that other people will wonder what makes you different. When they ask about your awesomeness, tell them that God in you is what makes the difference. The bible says to let your light shine before men so they will see you good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven. It also says that we should not take a light and hide it. Remember that you are light and anywhere that go…darkness goes away. Shine bright you stars of light.

Pay Day-If you will stick with God there will be a payday. There is a reward for those who are doers of the Word. There is a reward for believers. There is a reward for those who endure to the end. The good news is that we do it all in God’s grace and God’s ability that fills us up from top to bottom and side to side. We are full of God. Stand strong and know that your payday is coming. God provides for us during our earth life and He will have rewards of obedience and faithfulness for us when we live in heaven. Oh yeah, don’t forget that mansion He has waiting for you too.

Hershey Kisses-We both love you very much. Always know that you will be special to me and Mrs. Leasa. You are in our hearts. If there is anything we can ever do for you—your whole lifelong—please ask. Just because you are leaving this room doesn’t mean you are leaving our lives. Hugs and kisses from Mrs. Leasa.

Nerds-Last…remember that you will always be gigantic NERDS to me. Be fun and creative and never be a dud. I know dudness (that’s a PJ word) is not in any of your futures.
We love you and bless you as you go into the next phase of your life with God.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

In The Zone with PJ: Kids are just funny!

In The Zone with PJ: Kids are just funny!

Kids are just funny!

I have some serious posts and some funny ones. This is going to be short and sweet and hopefully as funny to you as it is to me.
I am a huge Michael Jackson fan...or at least was as a kid. Thriller was my heyday as a teen.
Anyway, I have played some of the music from time to time for my boys as they all enjoy dancing--and what better music is there to dance to than MJ?
Well, we are riding in the car the other day and the oldest boy says to me, "Dad, I have a question." I told him to ask away.
***Fair Warning--The following dialogue is not made up or amended in anyway.
He asks, "Dad, who is Shamone?"
Flummoxed and not knowing anyone named Shamone I retort by saying I don't think I know who you are talking about.
He says, "No Dad, you know in Michael Jackson songs he always says, "Shamone, Shamone!" Child 2 and 3 begin singing and imitating this along with child 1.
I am trying not to wreck the car as I am doubled over with laughter. Not only at the fact that they are singing Shamone Shamone over and over in various ways. Or that they are dancing in the car shaking it and nearly breaking it.
But it dawns on me what they are talking about.
Child 1 says, "You know what I'm talking about now Dad? I thought Shamone must be someone very important to MJ since he says that name all the time."

I almost wreck. With tears in my eyes I tell them...much to their disappointment that Shamone is not a person at all. It is MJ's creative way of saying "COME ON!"

The laughter really was awesome as I believe that laughter is as good of a medicine as any pill you can take--especially if we will take it preventatively.

The other thing I too away is to be aware that what you say is not necessarily taken the way you intended.

I am endeavoring to tread lightly with people more and more. To extend grace more than judgment. To pass along kindness rather than impatience.

And last, know that as you go through each day and encourage people and try to help them...understand that saying something helpful doesn't always take the first time...for any of us. Try, try again.

I hope the story caused your laughter to increase and that the thoughts included are an encouragement to you. If so, let me know. Also, send me your funniest kid story so that I can get a laugh as well.

Watch out that your "Come On" doesn't turn into an important person named Shamone.

Peace and Blessings,

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

What to do...

...when faith seems weak. When victory seems far from achievable. When situations and circumstances seem overwhelming. What to do???

We do what children do--we turn to our Dad.
God is our Father and He has such great love for us.
He cares for us as dear children. He comforts us in times of trouble.
He helps us in time of need. He saves us from the flood of destruction and heals us from every sickness and disease.
He holds us and protects us and assures us that we are not alone. That we are not forgotten. That we are His.
The peace that calms us in these times doesn't make sense to us--but it is all encompassing.
The joy that supports us as our strength is perfect in our times of weakness and need.
The love that He has for us in unshakeable and never-ending and without condition.

We come to Him and switch our troubles for His lightness.

He is our faithful Father.

That is what we do...we run to the arms of our Father.
He is more than enough for all we need at all times.

So Be It!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Time Robbers....dun, dun, dunnnnn!

Welcome to this week's episode of Time Robbers brought to you by Procrastinators Tools-you need 'em, we'll eventually get around to getting them to you.

I was thinking about things that rob our time. 24 hours in every day. I would say that it is one of the most common complaints I hear. I hear it everywhere. I use it myself. "I'm too busy." "I don't have time." I need more hours in the day."
But what amount of time are we wasting? Not even wasting--just using for something less productive. There are reports out all the time about the amount of time business people spend on Facebook, online gaming and other social media. Maybe it's the sports page, maybe it's the stocks, or maybe it's something even seedier. It may be a nice day out and you just want to get away. Bottom line is that there are tons of things that can distract us from our appointed tasks.

There is a plan and purpose for each hour or every day. Does that mean we are a slave to a clock? NO! But what it does mean is that we should make the most of every minute and be diligent in pursuit of fulfilling our purpose.

Take a look at your day and see where you can repurpose time. See where you can trim the fat. Chart your day in a notebook if need be--and see where you lose (interpret as waste and otherwise throwaway) your majority of time. Take those areas and make the push to regain control of that time. Repurpose--I'm not sure if that's a word or not but it is my word of the day now. If not already a word I will take credit for it. Feel free to use it.

Figure out what really matters and do that. Find the joy and purpose in every day. Live life to the fullest. Don't miss opportunities to love, laugh, forgive and make friends.

Take back your time.

Keep the first thing first.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Thoughts on "I'll pray for you."

Hi again,
2 posts in one day. This one has really been banging around in my head for several days and I want to get it out there. It will be short and sweet and hopefully will be both an encouragement and challenge to all of us.

It has to d with people asking us to pray for them or with them about a particular issue and we say with honorable intentions..."I'll pray for you." How many of us have let it slip though? How many times have we fully intended to pray for someone and just lost track of it, forgot it or just didn't take the time to do it. I have and I'd be willing to say most people have.

This came up in a situation with me recently and God prompted me to go ahead and pray with that person right then.
God then showed me these brief but powerful truths that I have taken and tried to put into practice.
1. If someone asks about praying for a need--do it now.
-Why wait? Strike while the iron is hot. Pray for the need now. Believe God together now.
2. If you will do this you have the power of 2 and the bible says in Matthew 18:19 if 2 will agree on anything they ask will be done for them by the Father. Take advantage of the power of 2.
3. It will be an encouragement to the person you are praying with. They will have confidence that you will pray for them because you have prayed for them. Confidence is huge in dealing with people. I always want people to know that I will pray for/with them and I like praying for/with them.
4. It will be an encouragement and blessing to you. You will know that you did what Jesus would do. You took time to help and encourage someone. The joy of seeing the desired result is priceless.

Pray with confidence right now for someone you know has a need. God will hear you and will give you what you asked of Him. Unlike other things--results do not vary (God always comes through) and results are definitely guaranteed (by the blood of Jesus and the resurrection). No way to fail. That is awesome.

Keep the first thing first.

6 Rules for Life-Part 2

Ok-so I did not get back to this very quickly and if I'm being totally honest...pathetically slowly.
I am not making anymore promises but really want to do this more consistently. I think I have to make some choices on what the importance hierarchy is and then adjust. That said, let's get back to rules for life.

Checking in at number 4 on the charts in...LOVE!
Contrary to the Paula Abdul fav, Dance Like There's No Tomorrow...we should actually Love Like There's No Tomorrow. Dancing is fine and fun but it won't actually solve things unless you live in a musical or believe your life is Footloose. I'm not trying to put baby in a corner or keep you kids from dancing but LOVE is the main thing that marks us as a child of God. He said it-I'm just repeating. Love you wife or husband, love your friends, love your kids, love your parents, love your enemies...WHOA! No, I'm not kidding--love your enemies. Show love to anyone and everyone. We aren't to pick and choose in this we are to love everyone as a mark or Christ in us. He loved--he didn't condone every dumb thing someone did but He did love everyone. He came to Earth on a search and rescue mission. He made the choice to come with the sole intent to die for us. That is Crazy Love. Thank God. Remember that love--realize you are full of it if you are a child of God--and love like that.

5. Express: As I have previously expressed I think stream of consciousness very often and have associations. So, as I sit and type this Madonna is screaming "Express yourself" in my head. Do I like Madonna? Not really. Did I live through her wonder years? Yes. Part of the pile of random associations floating in my brain. Anyway, I think a big part of getting the most out of life is expressing your thoughts, emotions, excitement, enthusiasm. Let it out. Don't go anger management on someone but express the good things. Express your love for God. Think about what He has done for you and let it out. You can't tell me that when you spend a minute thinking about how He has made you righteous, paid for your sin, destroyed sickness, and made you His own child you can't be a little amazed. If you haven't I encourage you to think about it. Think about all that is involved in salvation--not just headed for heaven (if that was all that was included it would be awe inspiring) but everything tied in with that word SOZO. Check it out--as you get more and more insight into the depth of His love and goodness to you I believe you will be so grateful that you will want to express you thanks to Him outwardly.

6. Take Time:
This is a great one. Most of the time people seem consumed with making time but the bottom line is we all have 24 hours in a day and we can't make anymore. We can make a thinking adjustment and take time to do the things that are important. I am using this in my own life as I mentioned at the top of the post. There are some things that I am giving my time to that really aren't as important to me as some other things that are getting neglected on some level. So, I will adjust. I will take my time and reallocate it to the things that matter most. Time with my kids matters. Time with my wife matters. Time helping people matters. (This is why I will adjust and do better with my blog) Time with God matters. If you have been struggling with not having the time to do the things you want to do, take time and figure out what really matters the most and realize you have the time. Make the necessary adjustments so that your life is all that God intended it to be.

There we go--6 Rules for Life. Hopefully some of them help you out. It was good for me to sit down and think through some of these things. Good also to narrow down the list. I could have come up with 10 but that's too easy--6 is much harder. Makes you prioritize a little more.

Keep the first things first.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Top 6 Rules for Life-Part One

I have been away for a bit but am back with the full intent to be a consistent blogger.
I really enjoy it but sometimes just don't take the time to do it in lieu of other things. Here and now that changes. With the thought of reorganizing my thoughts and priorities I wanted to present a list of the top 6 rules for life. ( not that I couldn't think of 10-just wanted to do something different--read on and you'll get it)

1. Have Fun!
For the good of all around you have fun. Don't take yourself too seriously. Remember that life in Christ is to be lived full of joy. Act accordingly. Take the time to laugh. Take the time to read. Take the time to be outside. Do something you enjoy and have fun doing it. You might even try something new and discover a world of fun that you didn't know was there. Try it-Mikey did-and he liked it.

2. Let Go.
Learn to let go of the little things throughout a day that annoy you. People are people and we are all different. We all have our quirks and eccentricities that make us who we are. Learn to accept these things in others-people will in turn be more accepting of you. You may not like these things but you can get around them without letting them upset your daily apple cart. Think of a ridiculous story that you have heard--especially one from a kid--and laugh a little and let those annoyances fall away from you. It's just not worth holding onto. Life is too short too let anger, annoyance, jealousy or perceived wrongs rule you and determine the course (or alter the course) of your day.

3. Move ahead-nothing to see here!
Let's settle it-the past is past and nothing we do now will change it. Live for the present and the future. Look to what is ahead and not what is behind. Paul had some good words on this. Looking behind is like dragging a heavy weight behind you-it does no good and only serves to slow you down and keep you from attaining the great things in your future. Think about how bad some roadways are now--imagine of everyone was looking behind them while driving--it would be chaos--probably slightly worse than it is now. The lunacy of looking back while driving is readily apparent--why would it be different with our lives? Focus forward. Move Ahead.

I will stop here for today. Be looking for the rest of the list in the coming days.

Make sure to put these things in play today and see how much more freedom you feel.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Friendships that transcend

Have you ever had a friendship that transcends? Have you ever met a person that despite your age difference, cultural upbringing, or...really anything that would be a normal friendship barrier---is your friend anyway? There is a bond that cannot be explained with words. There is a closeness that is beyond what should be. There is just a natural camaraderie. I have.

I had lunch to day with one the most awesome guys on the planet. His life story is really amazing to me. He was a huge direct part of putting a man on the moon---he worked on the Apollo space program! That in itself is cool-I always tease him that I brag to all of my friends that I know a real rocket scientist. He has the most colorful stories and has lived a life of adventure. He was recoutning some things over lunch that I didn't know--that he got to pet Lassie, met Don Knotts (and for the record the crazy whiny voice is a put on--I ask the burning questions that everyone wants to know), and had interaction with Dr. Wernher von Braun-renowned rocket guy.

He can really tell a joke--an ability of which I am most envious. Timing is everything. Gladys has been through a lot through the years--I remember the grocery store incident--alas, I digress.
He is one of those people who light up a room when they come into it. He is endlessly positive, courageously strong, and full of joy at all times. He is full of compassion for people and wants them to be the very best they can be and to have the very best they can have. He is always there with a word of encouragement. He is there with a laugh in good times and a supportive presence in bad.

At this writing, he is fighting against an unseen enemy but is relentless in his fight to vanquish the storming troops. It is a battle that he begins anew each day. It is a battle of wills. It is a battle of faith. It is a fight against oppression. It is a war waged against weakness.
To hear him describe the battle is both gut-wrenching and inspiring.
Surrounded on every side by the ravening enemy with only a short sword to fight your way out. The more you try the worse the battle goes. The greater the pressure--the greater the struggle. There is no easy day, there is no quick escape. There are no holidays or vacations from the unseen forces. They offer no mercy but he offers them no surrender.

It calls to mind these verses:
2 Corinthians 4:8-9, 16-18
We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed.
Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.

Romans 8:31- What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?

I want to take up swords with him and fight back the darkness. I too, desire the destruction of every enemy force.
I know that God is with Him, and is for Him. The inspiring part is that though pressed, perplexed, and beat down--he is truly not deterred from his win. He does not lose heart. He does not wallow in self pity. He does not give up any ground. He has already won!

The fight is not alone. I can't walk through the fight everyday but I can pray and pave the way for the the fight to continue. I can believe with him that God's best is his. I can keep the faith. I cannot and will not forget to stand alongside him each and everyday with support.

This is a man who makes be a better person for having known him.
This is my friend.
He is 73.
Pray for peace and strength for him. Take up arms on his behalf.

Blessings, peace and joy to you my transcendent friend.

In The Zone

Thursday, January 13, 2011

The Gospel according to Axl...huh?

Catchy title, right?
I was thinking about the ever present question--where do we go now?

Every leader must face it almost on a daily basis.
What direction for my business?
What products do we back?
What investments do we make?
What personnel do we hire? invest in? let go?

Back to the title. My mind works a little like a roulette wheel and a kaleidoscope. Thoughts, phrases, music, pictures, and ideas all swirl around the wheel until one drops in the slot. Then the kaleidoscope takes over and colors it with associations that on the surface seem strange but they tie me to the idea and help me not only remember it but develop it.

So, this is where the gospel according to Axl comes in. The phrase that dropped in the slot was of course---where do we go now? (In reference to every area of life right now.) As the kaleidoscope pressed into action guns-n-roses violently attached itself to the thought. Now with guitars wailing, drums pounding, bass driving and Axl screaming it becomes---where do we go now, ba-nu-ba-nu-nu-na-whe-e-e-e-re-re do we go now-no-no-no-no-no-no-now--sweet chi-ild--sweet chi-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-eld of mi-e-ine!!!!! Phlumpt!

Thus my thought process on this occassion. Laugh if you must but now that song is cycling around your brain and it's gonna be a while before it leaves. Maybe I get the last laugh...on second thought we'll just laugh together--it does a body good.

My conclusion you may ask is to do what any good leader does--move forward-press on.
There is no retreat, there is no surrender!

Paul a dude who had been through some bad stuff and had done some rotten things put it like this:
Phil 3:13-14ish-"But here is the one thing I do. I forget what is behind me. I push hard toward what is ahead of me. I move on toward the goal to win the prize. God has appointed me to win it."
Go on to the things that lie ahead. Leave the past behind.

In Luke 13 Jesus was travelling and doing great things for people and he talks about pressing on.
"At that time some Pharisees came to Jesus and said to him, “Leave this place and go somewhere else. Herod wants to kill you.”
He replied, “Go tell that fox, ‘I will keep on driving out demons and healing people today and tomorrow, and on the third day I will reach my goal.’ In any case, I must press on today and tomorrow and the next day."

In Luke chapter 8 the woman with the bleeding issue "pressed in" to Jesus and got results after countless years of failed attempts.

Not to mention in 2 Cor 4--it talks about being pressed on every side but not crushed. Being confused, confounded and bewildered but not despairing.
This reminds me of the time in Star Wars when they were in the trash compactor with all of the sides closing
in---um, nevermind.

To sum it matter the circumstances or situations in our lives. The only God thing to do is to move forward, press ahead, and keep going.
We have work to do and a prize to get. God has appointed us to win!
Focusing on the past and the things we coulda, shoulda, woulda done differently will do nothing but tether us to post of stagnation, defeat and regret. In Him we live, and move and have our being.


Keep spreading the Word and doing the works of Jesus...sweet chi-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-eld of mi-e-ine!!!!!!

Living In The Zone

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


I am quite certain that the God dropped this word in my heart while I was praying the other day.
Simple. Easy. Quick. As a musician I was pretty stoked about this. I know some things about amplification. As a matter of fact, just the other day a friend was in town and showed me a picture of his amp that went to 11. I am all in favor of going to 11. If it's too loud, you're too old. All of these thoughts popped into my head as I thought about the word Amplify.
As I begin to think about it and talk to God about why this word and what am I supposed to see out of it, I felt that I should go the good ol' dictionary.
I found 4 basic definitions that led to 4 concepts that I wanted share. They seem to build on one another and depend on one another.
1. To increase amplitude (signal)
2. To increase volume
3. To cause to become more intense
4. To enlarge upon or add details

Well, it would seem to me that increasing signal would be a good thing. In audio terms, the more signal you have coming in the easier it is to handle coming out.
Spiritually, I would say that the more signal/communication we have coming to and from God the more things we will see and know.

Second, to increase the volume--pretty simple--TURN IT UP MAN! Sometimes quiet is good. I personally love quietness. I also love loud! It is easier to hear loud than it is to hear soft. I know that these are all earth shattering revelations for everyone but please stay with the class and it will payoff....I promise.

Third, making things more intense. I love sports and really enjoy watching football. There are times that I wish the intensity would come down a few pegs. A little less drama. A little less intrigue. Just let my team destroy the other. I get so wired I have to move or shout or throw something--something soft. Despite all of that it makes you feel alive and energized. It forces you to feel something--anything.

Fourth, to enlarge or add details. I like to know the details. I am big on enlarging vision and going big. For me, it's all in or nothing at all. I wouldn't be a very good gambler. So, these things all romped through my head for several days and I have come to this point. Here is where your patience and endurance pay off--keep reading.

It's all about what Jesus talked about to the church at Ephesus. Stay with your first love. Don't leave Him. Jesus is our first love.

I desire to be right where He wants me to be, doing what He wants me to do, in the exact time He wants me doing it. I am convinced that spending time in His presence is what will cause that to be. I am sure that as I push back the distraction and commit to spend more time praying--the signal is going to be boosted so that I hear Him more clearly. There will be no confusion or division of mind. There will be focus and direction coming through loud and clear. It will be like His voice is described in Revelation--the sound of rushing waters, crashing ocean waves. That is a sound I am very familiar with. It is one of the indelible marks on my life--the sound of the ocean. When I was younger and lived near the beach it was my haven. I would go there often to get away and clear my head and straighten out my thoughts. It was a place of great peace in my life and still is to this day. The rare times I am able to escape to the beach nowadays I find great tranquility and rest. I see anew the greatness, hugeness, and splendor of God. All that to say, the sound of rushing waters and crashing waves is not a quiet sound and it is not a sound that is easily missed. It is loud and clear and triumphant--yet it is so full of peace and joy and strength. I believe these are attributes of the voice of God.

As the frequency of the voice is boosted and the loudness and clarity of the voice is heard, I believe the last 2 parts of the definition come into full view. With clarity and frequency in His presence, comes and intensity of of what we're told and shown. There will be enlarging of vision, expanding of creativity, and attention to detail that would be missed by the casual observer or the occasional passerby.
This is a year that we will see a new fire for God rage through the church--not the buildings but the people. This amplification will be for the ones who go after Him, for the ones who stay with their first love, for those who will make the time to make their relationship with Jesus important.
It is God's desire for all of us to have this.
It is however our choice what we will do.

I challenge you--be honest with yourself and answer these 2 questions...
What God are you amplifying by what you're doing everyday?

What is keeping you from amplifying Jesus?

What steps do you take to change it?

Amplify your life. Amplify your relationships. Amplify Jesus.

Peace and Blessings,

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The Importance...

...of the Word. I have been thinking about 2 scriptures that have been stuck in my head for several weeks now. I am sometimes slow to catch things but I go this one. If it is staying with me there must be something to it. Let me share these verse and then share a few thoughts.
John 1
In the beginning the Word already existed. The Word was with God, and the Word was God.
He existed in the beginning with God.
God created everything through him, and nothing was created except through him.
The Word gave life to everything that was created, and his life brought light to everyone.
The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness can never extinguish it.
Proverbs 4
My child, pay attention to what I say.
Listen carefully to my words.
Don’t lose sight of them.
Let them penetrate deep into your heart,
for they bring life to those who find them, and healing to their whole body.

I am convinced more than ever that the Word of God is to be forefront in our lives. I believe that apart from it we cannot have the kind of deep intimate relationship that the Father is calling us into.
Think of it...the Word has always been. The Word created and brought life and light to everyone and everything. The Word took on human form and lived with us. That's Jesus folks! Apart from Jesus there is no relationship with the Father.

Think of the and health. Now I don't believe that many of us have a deep seeded desire to be sick and weak and suffering through life. Personally, I believe that is not the plan of God for our lives. I believe that included in the redemptive work of Jesus health and healing has been provided. Any way you slice it, Proverbs tells us that the Word is health to our entire body and life for us. As Jesus is the Word, He is life and health and strength to us. I think that is hard to argue.

Notice that there are precursors to these benefits. You must listen to the Word, you must pay attention to the Word (Attend for you King Jamesers--wait on, serve and give it your full attention), you must hide it in your heart (for out of the heart are the rivers of life), and you must not lose sight of it--keep it continually in front of you.

Thank God for grace which means that Jesus has powerfully supplied to us everything we need and our flailing cannot mess it up. These benefits are already provided. This Word training is not for Him it's for US! You can only have what you know about. You can only get what you believe for. You can only love the One that you know. Knowing Him comes from His word.

I am throttling ahead with a renewed focus on the Word and truly learning more about the grace of God, the life of God on the inside of me, and walking in the righteousness that Jesus gave me. I encourage you as a believer to get in step with this Word study so that it will be a great benefit to you and your family.

If you are a kidmin, I encourage you to reach your kids with the Word this year. Impact them with the truth. Share the One who gave it all. Share the One who loves us. Be fun, be relevant and be true.

Remember, you are loved perfectly and completely by God.

In the Zone,


Thursday, November 4, 2010


I fully intend for this to be my shortest post ever--just to prove to myself that I can do it. I am taking the twitter approach 140 words or less. There is much change going on around me right now-which got me thinking about how we react to change. Do we embrace it? Do we reject it? Do we just flat out refuse it? Well, at least try to -change is ongoing and is an irresistible force. At some point, on some level-we must embrace it. I am usually really good with change but find myself struggling right now. Not sure why...but this I know..order will soon be restored and the change wave will pass. Calmer seas will prevail just long enough for the next big kahuna to come along. Embrace it! Aloha and happy surfing.


Wednesday, September 22, 2010

So many thoughts so little time

I was thinking about the vast number of thoughts and ideas about the most effective way to do children's ministry...or any ministry for that matter.
I wonder how often we get caught up in the creativity, coolness, and methodology but miss the heart of the matter? The bottom line is touching lives.
I have been through several different curriculums and have written my own and have come back to try some other things that I thought may freshen up my approach to ministering to kids. I have fought the battle of live skits and puppets versus videos. I have gone through the thoughts of what is better live worship or videos. I have also tried to figure out the right balance between teaching and involvement. I have learned a couple of things through the journey.
1. Kids (at least most kids) are definitely doers and not sitters
2. Small group time with kids is really valuable in connecting them to the heart of the message
3. You have to find a way to extend your influence beyond the church doors and into the homes

The first idea is that kids like to move. They have the wiggles in their pants and the giggles in their heart. This is the way a kid is. Go with it--don't fight it! Leverage this to your advantage. It will take some effort and a lot of energy on your part but have a lot of doing in the lesson. Involve them in everything that you can. Having them do voiceovers during a story, acting out characters, watching for clues, doing games to help the truth of the lesson come alive. Videos are ok too. The only key here is not too long and make sure it is funny.

The second thought is that connecting the kids minds, bodies and hearts to the lesson is vitally important. No better way that I have found than small group time. If you haven't tried it I highly recommend doing so. Just as with adults, the smaller the group the less the intimidation to talk and share. If you get kids broken off into smaller groups where they can share their thoughts and ideas rather than going along with the reach them on a deeper level and they have ownership in the discussion and in the lesson.
A-HA! This is what we are shooting for all along.

The third thought is an ongoing discovery. How do we extend the influence? Kids are in church a couple of hours a week but with their parents, friends, teachers and even pets more than that. We must have a strategy for partnering with the parents especially. If we can have a combined effort to learn the Word throughout the week and apply it on a kids level we will have the greatest success. We want lifelong, devoted followers of Christ. Find ways in your setting to reach across to the parents and work with them at helping their children reach this goal.

Some many things to do and work on. As Dori said, "Just keep swimming."

Remember to keep the first things first--Love God and Love People that'll put you...

In The Zone!


Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Honor and Respect

I have been thinking about the concept of honor and respect over the last few days. This was spurred on by the passing of a gentleman in our church. He was a full bird colonel in the army after only 21 years which is quite and accomplishment. He served 2 tours of combat duty in Vietnam flying missions in and out of hot zones. He made no fanfare about his military service and to most his valor and bravery would go unnoticed. You'll understand better as I continue to write.

He was quite a man. Friendly, kind, thoughtful, and funny. He had his own coloquial expressions that I am sure are used my others but to us me they were unique to him. My favorite among those is the one I shall chose as my point to remember him.
His body was racked by cancer and it was only a matter of about 3 weeks from diagnosis to departure to be with His heavenly Father. It was amazingly swift. He had a prized job at our church that meant the world to him. He straightened the chairs. I don't mean he tussled them about a little here and there to make them loo better. I mean he used military-like precision to make sure that every chair in the place was in proper alignment with every other. That each row of chairs was exactly the same distance apart and within that each front chair leg was exactly the same distance form the back leg of the row preceding it. He had a device that measured this precisely. He also used a laser level to ensure the proper placement of each row and that the spacing of the aisles was exact. This was diligence at its highest level--yet very few knew that he did this and most could not or did not appreciate it. None of that mattered--it was his job that he loved to do and He did it to please his Lord. Praise was unnecesssary and dare I say unwelcomed. The honor he showed to God through this simple act will leave a lasting impression on me.
Back to my last remembrance of him. He loved to sit in the sanctuary and pray and meditate on God's goodness. He just loved being in a place where he could sense the presence of God. This was part of the joy of the job. I walked by the sanctuary and as was the custom I peeked in on him and teased about doing a good job and he of course teased me about finally coming in to work. As he sat on the stage that day I asked him, "How are you doing sir?" His response was as it so often came--"Finer than a frog hair!" followed by "Do you know how fine a frog hair is?" My response, "Mighty Fine!" This is how I will remember him. Come to find out the day before this interaction was the day he had been told by the doctors that he would not live long. I was unaware at this point.
Here is the point...he was honoring and respecting God by doing his job in the kingdom and doing it without complaining despite his seemingly overwhelming circumstances. His outlook was that all was well. Everything was fine. God was still God and nothing could ever change his goodness or the way that this man loved and trusted Him. That my friends is true honor. This is real respect.
So as we said goodbye yesterday in a service to celebrate his life, I found it apropos that honor and respect were the highlights of the day. His son in law had the honor guard step into the room and he thanked them for their bravery and service to our country on behalf of this great man. It was one of the final things he wanted done--to thank those who continued to serve and protect our rights. I can point to many aspects of the service that paid honor and showed great respect to a man...from the flag draped coffin to the exhortations that he was all about loving God, loving family and loving his country. The cannon shot and the gun salute. The patriot riders who did not know this man from any other but who were there in force to surround the grounds and support the flag that he fought to defend. They prayed for the family and saluted their fallen brother in arms. They shed tears at the playing of taps. The precision that the honor guard of young men used to handl and fold the flag and the respect shown in presenting it to his wife.
This was a fitting tribute to a man who lived a life of honor and respect.

I hope we all can learn something from this honorable man. Let us live out a life of honor and respect to our God and Lord Jesus Christ. Let's not forget to honor Him with our lives and let everything that we do be done with respect to the one for whom it is done. We are told to do all things as unto the Lord. This verse has no greater impact or practical application than that that I saw in this man.

Thanks for the lessons.
I look forward to seeing you on the other side.
I know that you are truly finer than frog hair.
RIP- Mr. Theo Epperson

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Lives aren't books and people aren't covers

I had an eye opening and sobering experience today. I was in a hospital and as I headed to the room I was intending to visit I was overwhelmed with compassion for the young man and at the same time flooded with thoughts of what lies behind each of the doors in that passageway. Hall upon hall, floor upon floor. Rooms full of people who are fighting in some way to some degree. Children, babies, mothers, fathers, sons, daughters, wives and husbands all of vital importance to God.
I have spent many hours now thinking about this and how often we judge people. The old saying is that we shouldn't judge a book by its cover but it occurred to me that lives aren't books and people are not covers. Yet we judge people everyday in every walk of life. The idiot driver who must be crazy. The grocery store clerk who doesn't even look up to acknowledge you other than to ask for the money. The mother whose child is running wild in the store. The list goes on and on and we can all call to mind innumerable examples with minimal effort.
What about the underlying condition of their lives? What about the circumstances regarding their day? What about the challenges they are facing right now? Do we ever give thought to those things? Sure we occasionally give people the benefit of the doubt and may surmise that they are having a bad day. But how often do we just get agitated by people who do something inexplicable to us without first considering outlying issues that may be the root of the problem.
Back to the hospital...I saw one person who seemed fit as a fiddle but 2 days prior was told he should be dead and that it was only by the grace of God that he was alive at all. I noticed next door a door riddled with signs announcing what you had to do prior to entering the room--wash hands, put on gloves, wear the proper gown, iv warnings, no fluid beyond a certain limit, and several other cautionary signs that would seem to indicate something going on behind that door that was...well, less than desirable to be around. I pushed down halls on the pediatric floor and wondered what illness was wreaking havoc on a child and a family behind those brightly painted doors.
I arrived at my destination to visit a young man-24 to be exact-who has a lovely wife and a baby boy on the way. That little rascal should arrive in January. What a joy it is to become a father or mother! They are far from home and without immediate family. He was told at first that he had an inoperable brain tumor and stage 4 brain cancer. Well that's a wakeup call. He was also told that his career was over and that this was the absolute worst case scenario for his life. (Thank you very much sir I think I would like another opinion.) The tumor has been operated on and partially removed but he is facing some other severe treatments to get rid of it entirely. The cancer was stage 2 (thanks for the second opinion). Now they must uproot again and travel to a lace where they can get the aggresive treatment he needs. All this with a baby coming in a few months. Now that is a story and that is a situation worth looking at.

What if that young mother-to-be was the clerk at the grocery store?
What if that young man was the one you passed driving home?

I'm asking because I don't know the answer.
How many stories are behind those hospital doors?
How many crushed lives are in cars driving around your city?
How many people have heard news so tragic and disturbing today that their world has instantly turned upside down?
Everything that seemed right and normal is suddenly not there anymore. Routine is gone-chaos is the new regime.
Confusion and fear and trepidation and fear--are the emotions bubbling under the surface.
What about them?

Thursday, September 24, 2009


The unrelenting love of God. WOW! What a thought.
The God of all creation is unrelenting in His pursuit of and dedication to us.
The one who framed the world with His Words and holds galaxies on the tip of His finger never tires and never pulls back from His pursuit of us.
His mercies are new everyday. Stop and think about that. No matter the challenge. No matter the difficulty we face His mercies are new to us everyday to process these things and give us the key to unlock victory--EVERYDAY!
His Grace is sufficient. He is strength in our weakness. He is joy in the midst of sadness. He is life in the face of death.
He is eternal. From before time..wrap your mind around that. Our spirit gets it but our brain cannot comprehend it.
This Great God-Master of all creation-chose to take His infinite massiveness and permeate our whole being with Himself.
What a concept! In all of His might and power He could not force His way in. He would have blown us up trying to fit all of Him into tiny us. He came up with the way and that was for us to ask. That seems to simple. Ask-that's all we have to do? Yep, ask!
Are you kidding me? All I have to do is ask and the Lord of all things will somehow enfold Himself and His life into my being?
That's it. Simple as that.

Remember the God of your youth. Return to your first love.
Living life wide open in pursuit of a Holy God is all the better when you realize He is pursuing you.
Get Caught!
It's worth it all. Living the life God intended for you is the greatest joy attained by man on this spinning ball we inhabit.

Take time to know Him more today.
Take time to be in wonder of the amazing things He has done.
Take time to be thankful for the unrelenting Love He uses to pursue you.
Jesus loves you this I know--simple as that.

Keep the first thing first.