
Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Total Chaotic Mess

**Warning: Objects in this post may fly by at rapid speed. Do not be alarmed they are only suggestions and will not harm you in any way. Just in case, please fasten your safety belts and don your protective goggles.

 Life is sometimes seems like it is exactly what the title says--TOTAL CHAOTIC MESS!!!! I have talked with many friends recently who seem to have this feeling. It is sometimes out of our hands the amount of things that seem to converge at the same moment of time to confound us. 

Other times, it is a series of choices we make that get us to this point. Whether it is taking on more things than can we do well and thoroughly... -The amount of amazing things we can do with our time is truly endless. We have to choose wisely so that we are able to give our best to everything that we choose.

Sometimes it is our inability to say a simple 2 letter word..."NO!" I think this is a personality thing. It is in the way that we personally perceive the word NO. If it annoys us then we think it must annoy others. If it makes us feel unloved then this must make others feel the same. If it makes us feel empowered then it must make others feel the same.
   The problem is that the word in itself doesn't carry any of those things with it. It simply means--I am not going to be able to do that right now. This is not a negative thing. It is not a personal attack to the person you said it to. It does not mean that you do not love someone or that you are not interested in them, their life, or helping them. It simply means not right now.

 Here is the really good news...God is not overwhelmed. If we will do what he tells us to do...REST! This is a little bit of a foreign concept in our ever going, don't stop 'til you get enough society.
 He said, "Come to me all of you who are heavily burdened, weary, tired, overwhelmed, and feeling like total chaotic messes AND I will give you REST!"

Bottom Line: We need to learn to sometimes say no but most of us will keep saying yes to things we have a hard time saying no to. We will make choices to be involved in things that maybe we shouldn't or that we can't give our all to.  
The Big But: But God is offering us rest. We should take time to rest. We should follow where rest is. Not laziness but rest.

 I have always been taught that in all decisions of life follow peace. Where there is peace there is everything you need to accomplish the task at hand.

 So the next time you feel like a Total Chaotic Mess take a timeout and rest in God.
Throw your chaos on Him and let peace guide you in the right direction.

 Until next time--keep it in the Zone,