
Thursday, September 24, 2009


The unrelenting love of God. WOW! What a thought.
The God of all creation is unrelenting in His pursuit of and dedication to us.
The one who framed the world with His Words and holds galaxies on the tip of His finger never tires and never pulls back from His pursuit of us.
His mercies are new everyday. Stop and think about that. No matter the challenge. No matter the difficulty we face His mercies are new to us everyday to process these things and give us the key to unlock victory--EVERYDAY!
His Grace is sufficient. He is strength in our weakness. He is joy in the midst of sadness. He is life in the face of death.
He is eternal. From before time..wrap your mind around that. Our spirit gets it but our brain cannot comprehend it.
This Great God-Master of all creation-chose to take His infinite massiveness and permeate our whole being with Himself.
What a concept! In all of His might and power He could not force His way in. He would have blown us up trying to fit all of Him into tiny us. He came up with the way and that was for us to ask. That seems to simple. Ask-that's all we have to do? Yep, ask!
Are you kidding me? All I have to do is ask and the Lord of all things will somehow enfold Himself and His life into my being?
That's it. Simple as that.

Remember the God of your youth. Return to your first love.
Living life wide open in pursuit of a Holy God is all the better when you realize He is pursuing you.
Get Caught!
It's worth it all. Living the life God intended for you is the greatest joy attained by man on this spinning ball we inhabit.

Take time to know Him more today.
Take time to be in wonder of the amazing things He has done.
Take time to be thankful for the unrelenting Love He uses to pursue you.
Jesus loves you this I know--simple as that.

Keep the first thing first.