
Thursday, May 31, 2012

Architect or Wrecking Ball-The Value of Encouragement

With words we build up and with words we tear down.
You can see this all over media today. Take Tim Tebow for instance, he had a tremendous college career, was a great guy, awesome christian, had a decent year for the Broncos and everyone built him up and then it all changed. He had a bad game...(yes he has some flaws, who doesn't?) then it is all teardown. If you watch closely we as a society tend to this over and over. You can readily see it with celebrities...we build them up only to tear them down.

As followers of Christ, we need to remember Proverbs 18:21-"Words kill, words give life; they're either poison or fruit—you choose." 
We choose what words we use and through those we choose to be an architect or a wrecking-ball. 
As the knight in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade said, "Choose Wisely!" Hey, that's copyright infringement--God said that in Deuteronomy. 
Point is, don't be discouraging, negative, thoughtless, and full of poison. That puts you in the wrong camp (Satan comes to steal, kill and destroy).
Instead, choose in every circumstance, to honor God and bring life with every word. Encourage, inspire, affirm and make people feel valued. 
This applies to adults, teens, kids, friends, enemies, co-workers, relatives and exiles.

Every person needs to feel that they have value. Show them they are valuable to you and to God with every word you speak.