
Sunday, August 14, 2011

Life and God lessons Learned from Candy

I thought I would post this very private message that I delivered to my graduating 6th graders. They are entering 7th grade this year and that means they are entering the youth group. They are extremely special to me as most of them have been with me since I began CM. The ones that are newer have fit right in and feel like they have been here all along. Congrats to Meredith, Alyssa, Cailey, Whitney, Tye, Jonathan, and Eli. You are all very special to me and I believe you will do everything God wants you to do and have a great impact for the kingdom.

These are life lessons--(mixed with some silliness--it wouldn't be me without it) that can be learned from candy. Enjoy!

“For I know the plans that I have for you, says God. Plans to prosper you not plans of disaster. My plans will bring you to an expected end of which I am fully aware.” PJT (PAstor Jamie Translation)
“I will bless you with a future filled with hope--a future of success, not of suffering.” CEV
Jeremiah 29:11

Stay with the Zone philosophy…Love God and Love People. This puts you in the center or the bulls-eye of God’s will for your life. YEs, I've had this for years...I think Israel Houghton stole it from me as a CD title. LOL!

I want to share with you a few life lessons that we can learn from candy. These are some items that hopefully will remind you of the good things God has done for you already and the promises of the good things to come. It should also serve as a reminder of the things you should do along the way and what your responsibility is in the plan of God.

Be bold as lions, wise as snakes, and gentle as doves. Let these candies remind you your time in the Zone and the great things that God has planned for your life.

Big Red Gum-Reminds us of the the target on your back as the newbies. (I’m half kidding—you won’t have a target here at church but people will be watching you and seeing where you fit in. Make good choices.) Also, remember it is extremely important to always keep fresh breath. Nobody wants dragon breath in their face.
You have a big target on your back as a child of God. There are tests and temptations in life that will present themselves to you more and more as you get older. It may be through friends it may be through random people you meet or it may be from total strangers. Follow God and Follow peace. Listen to what God tells you on the inside and find the peace in the situation. If there is no peace don’t go there.

Ice Breakers-Be careful what you get involved with. Sometimes icebreaker games are fun and entertaining—most of the time they are. Some of them are messy and disgusting too. Watch out in life that you do not get involved where you don’t belong and with people you don't belong with. Stay clear of the messy situations that will lead you away from God. Always choose the things that lead you to God, godly friends and godly situations. As I have always said and prayed for each of you…Be in the right place, at the right time, doing the right thing…ALWAYS! You can do it.

Whatchamacallit—They will not know your name right away so if you hear someone say hey whatchamacallit, or Hey you with the hair…just look and see if they’re talking to you. In life don't just be a whatchamacallit—stand out for the right reasons. Stand out for being set apart by God which you are. Own it! And, don’t let God become whatchamacallit to you. Always remember the name of Jesus and the great power it provides your life. Let one of your life goals be to spread the fame of His name.

Skittles-Colorful-A rainbow of colors-BE YOU! Be who God made you to be. Don’t try to be someone else. God made each of us different and uniquely gifted to accomplish what He wants us to do. Be willing to do what God tells you to do. Use your personality to do great things in life and great things for God. Live large for God!

Airheads- Don’t forget to use your brain—the old joke says that when God made us and was handing out brains some people misunderstood and thought He said trains and decided to get in another line because they they didn’t want one.
Trust God in life for everything but remember God didn't create us to be mindless robots who don’t think. Do what the bible says and renew your mind with the word of God so that you will think God thoughts. The more you think in line with God the more you should talk like it and act like it.

Twizzlers-The road of life may twist and turn but stay with God, stay with the Word and always follow the voice of God on the inside. If you do, it will be alright. God has great plans for you to bring you to an expected end free of calamity and destruction. God knows the end and the path He laid out for you. Stay on the road through all the twists and turns and all will be well. He is with you every step of the way. So be confident that all of life’s twists and turns will work out for your good if you continue to stay in the Zone.

Jolly Ranchers-Laugh a lot it’ll make you healthy and happy—with God things are good. We are not meant to live a boring, sad, and serious life. We are to lead a life full of the good things of God. The bible tells us that laughter does good like a medicine. Make sure to take large daily doses of this medicine. It doesn’t taste bad and only makes you feel better. Laugh Loud! Laugh hard! Laugh Long! Laugh often!

Starburst-You are all stars. Remember to let your light shine so that other people will wonder what makes you different. When they ask about your awesomeness, tell them that God in you is what makes the difference. The bible says to let your light shine before men so they will see you good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven. It also says that we should not take a light and hide it. Remember that you are light and anywhere that go…darkness goes away. Shine bright you stars of light.

Pay Day-If you will stick with God there will be a payday. There is a reward for those who are doers of the Word. There is a reward for believers. There is a reward for those who endure to the end. The good news is that we do it all in God’s grace and God’s ability that fills us up from top to bottom and side to side. We are full of God. Stand strong and know that your payday is coming. God provides for us during our earth life and He will have rewards of obedience and faithfulness for us when we live in heaven. Oh yeah, don’t forget that mansion He has waiting for you too.

Hershey Kisses-We both love you very much. Always know that you will be special to me and Mrs. Leasa. You are in our hearts. If there is anything we can ever do for you—your whole lifelong—please ask. Just because you are leaving this room doesn’t mean you are leaving our lives. Hugs and kisses from Mrs. Leasa.

Nerds-Last…remember that you will always be gigantic NERDS to me. Be fun and creative and never be a dud. I know dudness (that’s a PJ word) is not in any of your futures.
We love you and bless you as you go into the next phase of your life with God.


anything but LoKEY said...

It was a great message. I loved the comparisons! :)