
Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The Importance...

...of the Word. I have been thinking about 2 scriptures that have been stuck in my head for several weeks now. I am sometimes slow to catch things but I go this one. If it is staying with me there must be something to it. Let me share these verse and then share a few thoughts.
John 1
In the beginning the Word already existed. The Word was with God, and the Word was God.
He existed in the beginning with God.
God created everything through him, and nothing was created except through him.
The Word gave life to everything that was created, and his life brought light to everyone.
The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness can never extinguish it.
Proverbs 4
My child, pay attention to what I say.
Listen carefully to my words.
Don’t lose sight of them.
Let them penetrate deep into your heart,
for they bring life to those who find them, and healing to their whole body.

I am convinced more than ever that the Word of God is to be forefront in our lives. I believe that apart from it we cannot have the kind of deep intimate relationship that the Father is calling us into.
Think of it...the Word has always been. The Word created and brought life and light to everyone and everything. The Word took on human form and lived with us. That's Jesus folks! Apart from Jesus there is no relationship with the Father.

Think of the and health. Now I don't believe that many of us have a deep seeded desire to be sick and weak and suffering through life. Personally, I believe that is not the plan of God for our lives. I believe that included in the redemptive work of Jesus health and healing has been provided. Any way you slice it, Proverbs tells us that the Word is health to our entire body and life for us. As Jesus is the Word, He is life and health and strength to us. I think that is hard to argue.

Notice that there are precursors to these benefits. You must listen to the Word, you must pay attention to the Word (Attend for you King Jamesers--wait on, serve and give it your full attention), you must hide it in your heart (for out of the heart are the rivers of life), and you must not lose sight of it--keep it continually in front of you.

Thank God for grace which means that Jesus has powerfully supplied to us everything we need and our flailing cannot mess it up. These benefits are already provided. This Word training is not for Him it's for US! You can only have what you know about. You can only get what you believe for. You can only love the One that you know. Knowing Him comes from His word.

I am throttling ahead with a renewed focus on the Word and truly learning more about the grace of God, the life of God on the inside of me, and walking in the righteousness that Jesus gave me. I encourage you as a believer to get in step with this Word study so that it will be a great benefit to you and your family.

If you are a kidmin, I encourage you to reach your kids with the Word this year. Impact them with the truth. Share the One who gave it all. Share the One who loves us. Be fun, be relevant and be true.

Remember, you are loved perfectly and completely by God.

In the Zone,



Leasa said...

I love the way you put this. Thanks for the encouragement.